Colombian coffee is considered one of the best coffees in the world. As the name suggests, it refers to the coffee grown on the steep slopes of the Colombian mountains. It is known for its distinct aroma and flavor and mostly consists of superior Arabica beans. In the following guide, I discuss the best Colombian coffee you can buy for a sublime coffee experience.
My Top Colombian Coffee Recommendations
The classic Colombian coffee combines low acidity and strong caramel sweetness to create a perfect blend of taste. You can also feel a hint of nuttiness from premium quality Colombian beans. Check out my list of the best Colombian coffee:

Best Overall Colombian Coffee: Volcanica Coffee – Colombian Supremo Coffee

The Volcanica Colombian Supremo Coffee gets its rich taste from the volcanic soil of the Andes mountain range. This is a single-origin coffee, produced at the Colombian Andean Estate at a height of 5400 to 5900 feet.
The Volcanica Supremo Coffee has a bittersweet taste with undertones of chocolate, caramel, and orange, with underlying nutty notes. The incredible taste comes with smooth acidity and finish and a refreshing aroma to help you start your day just right.
The coffee is not overpowering, but mild-bodied since it is grown in shade regions similar to Don Pablo. The subtle flavor, which is still stronger than Kult Koffee, can be a turn-off for people who like their coffee strong and intense.
The beans are processed by being washed, followed by patio drying under the sun for optimum drying. They are usually sorted according to their size to ensure an even roast, resulting in a balanced flavor. The “Supremo” in the name refers to the slightly larger size of the beans.
The coffee beans are medium roasted to enhance their flavor profile and the process gives them their characteristic light cinnamon-y color. These Arabica beans are lighter in shade compared to all the other Arabica varieties.
Moreover, it is Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance certified, making it an ethically produced coffee.
- A pleasant balance between sweetness, acidity, and bitterness
- Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance certified
- Floral and fruity undertones that are very appealing for the tastebuds
- Small-batch roasting makes it easier to monitor the process
- Mild taste might be too subtle for some people
- The roasting process is not environmental-friendly
- Loved by people all over the world, Colombian Supreme Coffee beans have the perfect balance of...
- Flavor Notes: Bittersweet, Chocolate, Caramel, and Hints of Orange
- Medium roasted whole beans allows the true flavor characteristic to come through for a remarkable...
Best Low-Acid Colombian Coffee: Don Pablo Colombian Supremo

The Don Pablo Colombian Supremo is harvested at high altitudes and under a shaded region, similar to the Volcanica Coffee. Since the beans are grown under a shaded canopy, the maturation period of the cherries is slowed down. This increases the levels of natural sugars that enhance the taste of the beans.
Don Pablo Colombian Supremo has a mild flavor and the brew has a medium body that still feels rich and satisfying. The specialty coffee is made with low acidity beans, making it the least acidic coffee on the list. However, it still has the characteristic boldness of Colombian coffees.
It has a sweet flavor due to the medium-dark roast, as you are able to notice the caramelization of the darker roast. The roasting process can also make the beans slightly oily. Moreover, you can feel hints of chocolate and walnut with underlying citrus notes.
The unique part about the roasting process is that they use to smell, sight, and sound to create the perfect roast instead of using a timer. Finally, the brand uses sustainable practices and implements certified programs to help Colombian coffee farmers get better labor conditions.
The downside is that the company does not participate in the Fair Trade system. Thus, the coffee you buy is not certified to be sourced ethically. However, they have their own program for sustainability and farmers’ welfare.
- A unique roasting process that creates a distinct flavor profile
- 100% Arabica, GMO-free beans for premium quality
- Roasted in small batches for an increased level of control
- Made to order for the freshest cup of coffee
- The low acidic content of the coffee can be a deterrent for some people
- The brand is not a part of the Fair Trade Program
- Mild, sweet, and rich with a very smooth cocoa toned finish
- 2Lb Bag - Medium-Dark roast - Whole bean Arabica coffee - GMO Free
- Medium bodied with low acidity
Best Dark Colombian Coffee: Fresh Roasted Coffee, Dark Colombian Supremo

The Fresh Roasted Coffee, Dark Colombian Supremo makes the list for its robust body. It is grown at an altitude of 4265 feet above sea level in the vast mountainous countryside of Colombia. It contains the Caturra and Castillo varieties.
The beans are dark roasted for an intense flavor profile, making it the strongest tasting coffee on my list. The coffee has a distinct earthiness and smokiness, which is counterbalanced beautifully by the underlying honey and cherry notes.
The taste can remind you of a French roast, which makes a strong-tasting brew. Thus, if you are a fan of pleasant-tasting coffee, this might not be a good option for you.
The beans are washed to enhance the clarity and vibrancy of the notes and dried on raised beds. The roasting process is carried out by the Loring Roaster, which emits 80% less carbon compared to traditional roasting machines. This makes it the only coffee brand on my list that is conscientious even in its roasting practices.
The brand also has a Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, Direct Trade, and USDA organic certification. The certifications, along with the dedication to a lower carbon footprint, make it appealing to the masses.
Note: If you prefer a lighter roast, try the Fresh Roasted Coffee, Colombian Supremo.
- Full-bodied taste with a good balance of sweetness
- Use of Loring Roaster that is more environmental-friendly
- Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, Direct Trade, and USDA organic certified
- The smokiness in the flavor is not appealing to everyone
- The dark roast can feel a little stale if the batch was roasted more than a week ago
- Dark Roasted Colombian Supremo Coffee Is A Bolder, Richer-Bodied Coffee with Tasting Notes of Honey...
- Caturra And Castillo Varietals. Grown at 1,300 meters ASL. Washed and Dried on Raised Beds....
- Coffee For Everybody- sustainably sourced and Proudly Roasted, Blended, and Packaged in USA.
Best Light Colombian Coffee: Koffee Kult Colombian Coffee Beans Huila Region Medium Roast

The Koffee Kult Columbia Coffee is next on my list for its impeccable flavor and feel. The coffee mostly comes from family-owned farms. It is grown in the southern region near Huila at an altitude of 6230 feet. The types of coffees include Caturra, Castillo, Colombia, and Typica.
The beans are medium-roasted, so they do not have the oiliness of Don Pablo’s coffee. The brew has medium acidity and a bold body, with a clean finish. The smooth flavor has notes of chocolate and cinnamon, while the aroma is powerful enough to get you out of the bed. It has a weak taste compared to all the other coffees on my list.
The beans are processed using the washed method, followed by sun-drying or, occasionally, mechanical drying. The brand’s dedication to consistency in processing and roasting means that every batch tastes equally delicious.
Moreover, the company promotes environmental conservation and ensures fair wages to all workers. They also prioritize customer service. Hence, they offer a money-back guarantee in case you did not like the coffee.
- Coffee is roasted in small batches to achieve an even roast
- It is a smooth flavor and bold aroma that awakens the senses
- It comes with a money-back guarantee
- The brand follows ethical practices to ensure fair wages and environmental protection
- Despite being a medium roast, it has a weaker flavor compared to other coffees on the list
- The roasting process has a significant carbon-footprint
Features to Consider for Colombian Coffee
Each Colombian coffee has a distinctive flavor profile and unique characteristics that set it apart from the others. To experience the best Colombian coffee, you should consider the following features that define the taste of the brew before making your purchase:
Volcanica Colombian Supremo Coffee | Don Pablo Colombian Supremo | Fresh Roasted Coffee, Dark Colombian Supremo | Koffee Kult Colombian Coffee Beans Huila Region | |
Roast | Medium | Medium-Dark | Dark | Medium |
Acidity | Medium | Low | Low | Medium |
Flavor | Mild | Mild | Strong | Weak |
Colombian coffee has a mild taste, a smooth mouthfeel, and a strong caramel sweetness, with citrus-like acidity that is vibrant and fresh. Since it is a single-origin coffee, the beans respond well to a variety of roasts.
The roast of the coffee can affect the final taste of the brew while retaining the characteristic sweetness with floral and chocolatey hints. Here is how the degree of roast influences the flavor:
- Light roasts have a bright acidic taste with a fruity, citrusy undertone. You can also detect the cacao and caramel flavors vividly. Light roasted Colombian coffee is not very common since the beans already have a mellow taste.
- Medium roasts have a more intense flavor profile compared to light roasts. You can identify the richness of the coffee from its aroma. While these roasts are still acidic, the citrusy brightness is muted and notes of chocolates and nuts more prominent. The coffee is also more bitter than the light roast.
- Dark roasts usually make the least acidic coffee, making it ideal for people sensitive to acidic reflux. The flavors of dark roasted beans are robust and smoky.
The Kult Koffee and Volcanica are medium roasted, Don Pablo is medium-dark roasted, and Fresh Roasted Coffee is dark roasted.

Coffee is grown in different regions of Colombia and each region imparts a different taste to the coffee beans harvested from there. This is because each area has different altitudes, climates, and harvest times, which contribute to the quality and the flavor profile of the beans. The coffee-producing regions are divided into three main areas, called the coffee triangle.
Northern Region
The Northern region has a lower altitude and higher temperatures. Thus, coffee from this area has lower acidity and a full body compared to other areas. It has a sweet, caramel flavor with underlying nuttiness and a fragrant cherry aroma.
The Northern region includes Sierra Nevada, Santander, Norte de Santander, Magdalena, and Cesar. Fun Fact: It is believed that Santander is the first region in Colombia where coffee arrived.
Central Region
The Central region is the most significant coffee-growing area. It is exactly in the middle of Colombia and has ideal conditions for growing coffee plants. The coffee has a more balanced taste that is fruity, with medium acidity. The Volcanica Colombian Supremo coffee comes from the central region.
The Central region includes South of Antioquia, Caldas, Chocó, Risaralda, Quindío, North of Valle del Cauca, Cundinamarca, and North of Tolima. Antioquia is the second-largest coffee-growing region and Tolima is the third largest.
Southern Region
The Southern region is located closer to the equator. This is the only region where the coffee is grown at a higher altitude. The coffee beans have relatively higher acidity and a sweet taste with notes of caramel and fruits.
The most well-known coffee-producing regions of the Southern area are Cauca, Huila, and Nariño. Both Huila and Nariño are huge producers and common origins of specialty coffee The Kult Koffee on my list is grown in the Southern region.
Learn more about the differences between a Latin American Columbian coffee and an African Ethiopian coffee.
To extract the maximum flavor from the coffee beans, you should brew them the right way. Your choice of Colombian coffee should depend on the brewing method you prefer since the origin and roast of the beans determine the best way to brew the coffee grounds.
There are a few different methods you can use to brew a flavorful cup of Colombian coffee:
- Espresso: Colombian coffee is known for its high acidity and mellow flavor. Therefore, you can use dark-medium to dark roasted coffee for espresso. The mild taste of the beans ensures that the coffee is not too bitter. Moreover, the acidity and the cocoa flavor combine well with the milky espresso drinks.
- French Press: You can also brew your medium roast Colombian coffee in a French Press if you take your coffee black. The unadulterated coffee allows the true flavor of the Colombian beans to shine through, so you can experience all the flavors of your full-bodied cup of coffee.
- Aeropress: Colombian coffee is ideal for Aeropress brewing, as it has a balanced taste and a smooth mouthfeel. Grind the beans yourself for the Aeropress for the freshest tasting coffee.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Kind of Coffee Is 100% Colombian?
Colombian coffee is almost always Arabica, which is known as the higher-quality coffee bean. The Arabica beans are at a higher spectrum of luxury coffee and have a more refined taste. They are only second to Robusta means, which are stronger beans.
What Coffee Do Colombians Drink?
Colombians drink Tinto, which is a sweet, black, watery mixture almost like instant coffee. They drink it in small cups and the coffee is sweetened with sugar or panela, a form of raw sugar available in Latin America. They rarely drink the coffee they produce since they have been trained to export the best beans they grow.
Colombian coffee is generally identified as one of the best coffees worldwide. It is grown using sustainable practices under the supervision of highly trained, expert farmers with years of experience. The resulting coffee is of good quality, very delicious, and incredibly aromatic. My guide will help you discover the Colombian coffee that best suits your taste to brighten and diversify your morning coffee.