How Long Does an Espresso Shot Last?

You’re probably aware that espresso is high in caffeine. Since my body absorbs caffeine quickly, some people may get an immediate boost of energy and alertness from espresso, while others may need to wait. So, how long does an espresso shot last?

How Long Does an Espresso Shot Last?

The effects of espresso begin to kick in within 60 minutes after consumption. After around 1 to 2 hours, the effects of espresso wear off. On the other hand, caffeine remains in your system for around 7 hours. It takes 10 hours for coffee to totally leave your systems.

It is critical that you take espresso in moderation. Depending on the kind of coffee you drink, a 1.7-ounce espresso has between 58 and 185 mg of caffeine.

The FDA recommends 400 mg of caffeine per day for moderate intake. For Keto coffee, it is recommended to have at most 2 cups per day. Keep within the restrictions to avoid health risks and coffee-related issues such as insomnia and stomach upset, as a word of caution going beyond the recommended intake can actually kill you.

A close-up image of espresso shot

What Features Distinguishes Espresso From Coffee

Espresso is a strong drink with a strong flavor, unlike coffee which is bitter but still maintains a smooth taste.  However, there are many other differences between these two.


One of the differences between espresso and coffee is the amount of caffeine present. Because espresso has a richer and more concentrated flavor, many believe it contains more caffeine than coffee.

It’s worth noting that the flavor makes no mention of the caffeine concentration. One ounce of espresso contains more caffeine than the same amount of coffee.


Espresso is more intense than coffee in terms of flavor. Many dedicated espresso lovers are content with only a one-ounce serving of espresso.


It’s no wonder that espresso has a more defined aroma than coffee since pressured water can extract more coffee flavor from the grounds.

Espresso produced from Arabica coffee beans, for example, has a fruity or floral scent. On the other hand, espresso made from Robusta coffee beans has a distinctive earthy aroma. Espresso made from Liberica coffee beans has a strong woody and smoky aroma.


Espresso has a somewhat thicker consistency than coffee. This is because a lot of finely ground coffee beans require less near-boiling water. However, when brewing coarsely ground coffee beans, more hot water is utilized. The ratio of coffee grinds to water significantly impacts the uniformity.

What Are the Different Types of Espresso Shots?

  • Doppio. A doppio is simply two ounces of espresso. A single serving of this product contains 126 mg of caffeine.
  • Lungo. It’s similar to a doppio in that it’s two ounces of espresso. A Lungo, on the other hand, is more concentrated than a doppio. This is because the brewing period is 30 to 50 seconds, rather than the customary 25 to 30 seconds.
  • Ristretto. Ristretto is slightly less than one ounce per serving. However, that’s fine because it’s more concentrated than Lungo.
  • Macchiato. Macchiato is two ounces of espresso with a little foamed milk in the world of espresso.
  • Café noisette. Café noisette is a double shot of espresso with an ounce of steamed milk instead of a dash of foamed milk, similar to a macchiato. The color of this drink is hazelnut, which is the French term for it.
An image of espresso shot

What Are the Downsides of Espresso?

It’s also worth noting that caffeine is addictive, and withdrawal symptoms might include headaches and irritability. Excessive quantities can raise your blood pressure, induce liver damage, and increase your risk of osteoporosis.

As long as you don’t overdo it, drinking espresso every day is fine. If you consume espresso in moderation, you will be able to benefit from the favorable health advantages while avoiding the bad ones.

Related Questions

What Happens if You Overbrew Espresso?

If you over brew your espresso, it becomes thicker and sweeter. If the time is too short, the espresso will be thin, weak, acidic, and unpleasant. If you wait too long, the espresso will get bitter. This restriction will affect most coffees, though it is not rigorous.

Will Espresso Energize You?

Espresso can energize you because its high caffeine concentration increases alertness and heart rate. You may discover that this vitality makes it much easier to focus on your everyday obligations. Espresso aids concentration by increasing dopamine levels in the brain.

Does Espresso Lose Caffeine Over Time?

True, the caffeine concentration remains the same, although the espresso loses its distinct flavor and scent after a while. If you leave your favorite beverage heating outside, it can potentially burn.


How long does an espresso shot last? Caffeine levels in the blood reach a peak about 15 to 45 minutes after ingestion. Caffeine has a half-life of roughly 5 hours and lasts 4 to 6 hours in my system on average. Flushing out your system with water is an efficient technique to eliminate espresso side effects.