Your Krups espresso machine makes some delicious cappuccinos and nice latte art. The secret is to keep it well maintained. Knowing how to clean your Krups espresso machine is not something you can put off for too long. You wouldn’t want to end up with a non-functional machine, would you?
How to Clean a Krups Espresso Machine
To clean your Krups espresso machine, unplug it from the wall, remove all removable accessories, and clean them one by one. Next, clean and rinse the interior and exterior of your machine. Dry everything and reassemble all the parts back together in your coffee machine.

1. Unplug the Machine
Please ensure the power switch is off, then unplug the machine from the wall outlet. Let it cool down for several minutes before beginning the cleaning process. Avoid running water through a hot machine—this could cause severe burns or even damage the internal components of your espresso maker.
2 . Remove and Clean the Water Tank, Drip Tray, and Filter Basket
The second step is removing all removable parts from the Krups device so you can access all parts of it. Remove the removable water tank from the machine and set it aside. This will allow you to clean the interior of the machine without worrying about spilling water on any electrical components or damaging any other parts.
To Clean the Water Tank
Rinse the water tank with warm water to remove any built-up mineral deposits or residue from coffee grounds. Use your fingers or an old toothbrush to scrub away stubborn stains or buildup around the bottom of the tank where it attaches to the heating element tube.
If necessary, use a solution of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water instead of plain tap water when rinsing out your water tank.
3. Detach the Drip Tray
To remove the drip tray from the machine.
- Remove all the screws holding this drip tray together and set them aside in a safe place, so they don’t get lost.
- Next, you will need to unscrew two screws that hold the lever arm assembly onto the side of the machine.
- After removing these screws, slide this lever arm assembly off its hinge pin and set it aside with your other removed parts.
- Next, you will need to unscrew two more screws on either side of where your water reservoir sits inside of this device.
- After removing these screws, lift on both sides of your water reservoir until it falls from underneath its metal bracket. Place this metal bracket aside with all the other removed parts from your espresso maker at this point.
Clean the Drip Tray
To clean the drip tray, detach it from the Krups device and give it a quick rinse with warm soapy water before giving it a final rinse and drying with a paper towel or cloth. This will prevent any sticky residue from forming on the tray.
4. Remove and Clean the Filter Basket
The next step is to remove the filter basket by unscrewing the base from the main body of the machine. Remove any used coffee grounds from inside this basket and give it a cleanse before putting it back on top again.

5. Clean the Inside of the Krups Machine
In the next step, you will need to clean the inside of the coffee maker. Set the machine to brew after adding 2 cups of distilled white vinegar and 2 cups of water to the water reservoir. When the brewing cycle is complete, dispose of the vinegar and water mix.
6. Rinse the Interior
Thoroughly rinse the interior by adding three cups of water into the device’s water tank, then turn the machine on to brew. After the brewing process is complete, pour away the water.
7. Clean the Machine’s Exterior
Wipe down the exterior of your espresso device with a damp cloth or sponge. Make sure to wipe down all surfaces thoroughly, including around the switches and buttons. Use warm water and mild soap (such as dishwashing liquid) if necessary.
Use a toothbrush or cotton swabs with compressed air (like an ear syringe) to remove any stuck particles from the crevices and corners of your machine’s exterior. You can also use tweezers for hard-to-reach areas, like between buttons.
8. Assembly
After cleaning, reassemble the parts of your espresso device. Leave the water reservoir lid open to allow it to dry out. You may now enjoy your freshly brewed coffee.
What Happens if You Don’t Clean Your Krups Espresso Maker?
If you don’t clean your device often, the buildup of old coffee grounds and other debris might contribute to yeast and mold hiding in the reservoir, according to 2011 NSF research. This can affect your coffee’s taste and cause the machine to malfunction.
- Old coffee grounds can build up around the filter basket and prevent it from working properly. This means you won’t be able to brew more cups of coffee until they are removed from the filter basket.
- Your machine could also start to smell bad. This is because when you don’t clean it properly, oils will get stuck inside the machine and can begin to smell after a while.
- If you don’t clean your espresso maker at least once a month, you risk damaging the heating element or water sensor. The life expectancy of your coffee maker will decrease significantly over time, leading to expensive leak repairs or even replacement of your machine.
How Often Should You Clean Your Krups Coffee Maker?
Keeping your coffee maker clean is important. The frequency of cleaning depends on how often you use it. The general rule is to clean your machine after each use, though some people prefer to clean their machines every few weeks or months.
- If you brew a small amount of coffee, such as one cup at a time, every two weeks should be fine.
- If you brew more than two cups at a time, then cleaning should be done monthly.
- If you have hard water or live in an area where there are lots of minerals in the water, then you may want to clean your brewer more frequently than that.

Related Questions
What Is the Best Way to Unclog a Krups Espresso Machine?
The best way to unclog your Krups espresso is to check if something is stuck inside the water reservoir or filter basket. If you can get some water through it, try running some vinegar through it to see if anything else is happening internally (such as a clog). If there are no obstructions and you still can’t get any water through, your machine may have another problem (perhaps a broken pump).
How Do You Clean a Detachable Krups Steam Nozzle?
If your Krups model has a detachable nozzle, then you can simply remove it and clean it in warm water. Use mild dish soap to remove any food residue or stains that may be on the nozzle head. Then allow it to air dry completely before reattaching it to your steam cleaner.
How Do You Clean a Non-detachable Krups Steam Nozzle?
To clean a non-detachable Krups steam nozzle, use a toothbrush or other small brush to scrub away any dirt or debris that might be stuck inside them. Use mild dish soap and hot water when cleaning so that germs are eliminated.
You need to clean your Krups coffee machine regularly to ensure it remains in mint condition. Cleaning guarantees great durability for your device and ensures your coffee tastes fresh. While cleaning your espresso machine, you must avoid using abrasive chemicals. Only vinegar or KRUPS descaling solution will do.