Kicking Horse Coffee [2024 Review]

Saw this t-shirt the other day saying “How do you take your coffee?: Seriously.” and hey, can we possibly get 20 of those already?! Coffee is serious business here, as it should be!

We don’t think there is anything such as ‘not liking coffee’. Anyone who doesn’t like coffee probably hasn’t had one that they like.

Our goal here is to share information about coffee gadgets and coffee products to make sure everyone is one step closer to finding the cuppa of their dreams.

If you’re new to the world of all things coffee, welcome! Let’s just sort out some of the coffee-related jargon so you can shop better.

Bestseller No. 1
Kicking Horse Coffee, Kick Ass, Dark Roast, Whole...
  • TASTING NOTES: Chocolate malt, molasses, licorice and an earthy lingering finish.
  • ROAST: Dark
  • ROASTED IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS: It’s all deep, dark and delicious, roasted right below the...

What Labels On Coffee Bags Actually Mean?!

Pre-ground/Whole bean

You can buy coffee in two main states; pre-ground or whole bean, which are pretty self-explanatory by name.

Pre-ground coffee saves time by eliminating the need for grinding coffee at home. However, it’s prone to losing its flavor and aroma more quickly due to the increased surface area of exposure to the environment. This causes the coffee to undergo a process called oxidation, which ultimately leads to weaker, stale coffee.

Whole bean coffee is the OG go-to for true coffee lovers. There is of course the added effort of having to grind your beans fresh before brewing, but it’s worth it. Since whole beans have a lesser exposed surface area, they oxidize at a slower rate, meaning your coffee stays fresh for a longer period of time.

Roast Level

Roasting is a process whereby raw, green coffee beans are heated to bring out the flavor and aroma of those coffee beans. The level of roast determines the flavor profile of the coffee. The main types of roasts include:

  • Light Roasted: These are light brown in color and the flavors are toasty with high levels of acidity. This type of roast also tends to be high in caffeine content.
  • Medium Roasted: The coffee beans look brownish in color. The flavor, aroma, and acidity are more balanced. They have a lesser caffeine content compared to light roasts.
  • Dark Roasted: These beans look dark brown in color with an oily surface. Coffee made with dark roasts is more full-bodied, with spicy and chocolatey flavor notes. These are less acidic and less caffeinated.
  • Type Of Bean

The two main types of beans we use include Arabica and Robusta. They taste and feel vastly different.

Arabica beans have higher acidity levels and are therefore sweeter in taste with notes of chocolates and fruits, whereas Robusta beans have lower acidity and have a bitter aftertaste to them. Robusta beans contain 25% more caffeine compared to Arabica beans which have lesser caffeine content.

Arabica beans are also more expensive since they are harder to cultivate while Robusta beans are cheaper since they’re easier to grow.

Arabica coffee beans are the more popular choice due to their complex flavor profile and sweet undertones.

Caffeine Content

The coffee you buy in the market is either caffeinated or decaffeinated. Caffeinated is the usual roasted coffee. Decaffeinated is just like normal coffee except it has 97% of its caffeine content removed.

Decaffeinated coffee might be better for people with anxiety issues or heart problems where the increased caffeine could cause trouble.


Aroma refers to how your smelling sense perceives the coffee smell. It can be described as floral, fruity, nutty, and spicy. A lot of people prefer a specific aroma when choosing their coffee.

Tasting Notes

The tasting notes are how your sense of taste perceives the coffee. It can be sweet, sour, bland, bitter, sharp, etc. Again, the flavor notes you like are mainly determined by personal preference.

Keeping all of this in mind, one coffee we have been enjoying includes Kicking Horse Whole Bean Coffee.

Product Features

  • Whole Bean Coffee

Whole bean coffee is known to retain its freshness for a longer period, yielding good-tasting coffee each time.

  • Arabica Beans

Arabica beans are famous for their complex flavor profile, sweetness, and lower acidity levels. They are preferred by the majority of coffee drinkers worldwide owing to their versatile flavor palette.

  • Complex Flavor Notes and Aroma

This blend has a smoky, sweet, vanilla-chocolate aroma along with flavor notes of chocolate malt, molasses, and an earthy aftertaste. All in all, it yields a full-bodied cup of coffee for those that like it bold and sharp.

  • Caffeinated

This coffee is caffeinated to give you the energy kick you need to keep you going for the rest of the day.

  • Dark Roasted

The dark roasting process brings all those delicious coffee oils to the surface which give you that aromatic, full-bodied goodness once you brew it.

  • Organic

Certified organic means this coffee is harvested using the best farming methods, in light of the best farming principles. It means that the product you’re getting is among the best, and is cultivated with smart-farming and sustainable practices.

  • Fairtrade Certified

Fairtrade certification means that the coffee beans are being used to benefit both the consumer and the farmer. The consumers obviously get great-tasting coffee and in return, the profits are used to empower farmers.

  • Certified Kosher

These beans are certified Kosher so you can have your coffee with the ultimate peace of mind.


  • Great taste and aftertaste
  • Lower acidity
  • Smooth tasting, without being bitter
  • Whole bean coffee beans you can adjust the grind size to your preferred brewing method
  • Remains fresh for a long time
  • Consistent quality
  • Well priced
  • Organic and fairtrade certified


  • Does not come in resealable packaging
  • Might be a bit too strong for some
Bestseller No. 1
Kicking Horse Coffee, Kick Ass, Dark Roast, Whole...
  • TASTING NOTES: Chocolate malt, molasses, licorice and an earthy lingering finish.
  • ROAST: Dark
  • ROASTED IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS: It’s all deep, dark and delicious, roasted right below the...


If you own a coffee grinder and like dark roasted coffee, Kicking Horse Coffee might be up your alley. The flavor and aroma notes hit all the right spots without being too flat or too overwhelming. It’s quite simple, just right.

It’s caffeinated without being too acidic, so you don’t have to choose between a restful gut or high energy levels- this coffee gives you the best of both worlds.

Fairtrade and organic certifications make farming practices used to harvest this coffee more sustainable and profitable for both the drinker and the farmer. So you just feel better drinking it, knowing it’s backed up by good morals.

Kicking Horse Coffee is well-known and well-loved amongst coffee aficionados around the world, and this blend might just be one of the reasons why.